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Charities Supported

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Christian Aid


Since its foundation by British and Irish Churches in 1945 this charity has been a trusted player in programmes of overseas aid and development and taken a lead in campaigns to safeguard the environment, end poverty and advance human dignity worldwide.  In 2021 we supported it in national Christian Aid Week in May and again at Harvest raising £1029-25 in total.  A good proportion of this was Gift-Aided.  


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The Children's Society


The Children's Society was founded in the late nineteenth century by Edward Rudolf, a Sunday School teacher and civil servant in South London. As well as supporting change at an individual level through its direct programmes of work, The Children's Society aims to effect systemic change by influencing legislation and government practice, and to effect a positive shift in public attitudes towards children and young people.


"We provide specialist support that empowers young people to make positive changes and rediscover their hope. They want a future they can look forward to and we’re here to make sure they get it. Working alongside young people, their families and community, we will not rest until together, step-by-step, we've created a society built for all children."


Royal British Legion


The Royal British Legion is at the heart of a national network that supports our Armed Forces community.


"We're here through thick and thin – ensuring their unique contribution is never forgotten. We've been here since 1921 and we'll be here as long as they need us. 

We are the country’s largest Armed Forces charity, with 235,000 members, 110,000 volunteers and a network of partners and charities; helping us give support wherever and whenever it’s needed."

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